Services for shipping companies
In addition to the gas delivery solutions Gasum offers, we provide several valuable services to our Maritime customers.
Our LNG portfolio serves shipping companies in the Baltic Sea and North-west Europe area. LNG is delivered with different bunkering options e.g. from our storages in Norway, Sweden, and Finland with our 5 bunkering/feedering vessels.
In addition to the delivery solutions Gasum offers, our experienced and dedicated portfolio managers help our customers to always source liquefied gas at a competitive price. Additionally, our portfolio management service allows shipping companies to save time and reduce risks of the costs related to EU ETS allowance purchases. Finally, our future proofing solutions include sourcing of renewable liquefied gas and green shipping on demand -service.
Portfolio management services for shipping companies
With active portfolio management, your company can protect itself from price peaks and achieve emission reduction targets. Our portfolio managers help shipping companies source liquefied natural gas and biogas in the Baltic and North-west Europe region at a competitive price. Our portfolio management service helps our customers to reduce risks related to LNG purchases and provide predictability in the future fuel costs.
EU ETS for maritime starting from 2024
The shipping industry is included in the EU ETS system starting from 2024. This means that shipping companies will have to purchase and surrender EU ETS emission allowances for each ton of reported CO2 emissions in the scope of the system.
Emission trading requires expertise since EU ETS is a polical and volatile market. Trading in it demands resources to follow the market and factors affecting it. Gasum Portfolio Services provides its customers the access to the secondary market and helps making sound allowance purchasing decisions.
It is both cost-effective and sensible for companies to outsource their emission trading. Gasum has dedicated specialists who track the market for the customers and know when it is the best time to trade. This lets customers concentrate on their core business.
Read more about EU ETS for maritime
Green shipping on demand for LNG powered ships
In addition to tightening regulation and IMO targets, the changing business environment also drives reduction of CO2 emissions for maritime operations. Firstly, logistic buyers have strict carbon neutrality targets and are looking for greener logistic solutions. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, 71% of maritime transportation buyers are willing to pay up 20% more for greener logistics services. Secondly, cruise passengers are more aware of their carbon footprint and looking for more sustainable ways to travel.
How does green shipping on demand work?
Despite the demand, many companies are still making purchase decisions based on price and trying to find the least expensive option. By offering green shipping on demand, shipping companies can serve the needs of both budget-oriented and environmentally conscious buyers. With our solution, shipping companies can decarbonize specific amount of cargo, from a single container to hundreds of passengers by selling green tickets or green shipping. Based on the total of green tickets sold and the green cargo purchased, shipping companies can then refuel with a correspondent amount of renewable liquefied biogas. This renewable fuel is then mixed with LNG, resulting in a custom blend that matches the specific demand. The more green tickets and shipping is bought, the greater the amount of LBG in the fuel tank.
Together with Gasum’s Maritime sales, the right amount of energy needed to transport specific customer TEU’s, parcels or tons is first determined. Then the actual customer LBG volumes used are calculated after each journey, and the required amount of biogas is then summed up and ordered monthly using our FuelBoss online portal. By offering this unique service, shipping companies can differentiate themselves from the competitors by being able to offer e.g., freight tonnage to their customers with fossil free fuels, on demand.

Reducing climate impact together
“Our transportation customers are showing substantial interest in providing more climate-efficient transportation. Gasum’s Green Shipping on Demand makes it feasible to meet this demand.”
Harri Tamminen, Viking Line

Download our guide - Pioneering cleaner shipping
We have gathered some information for you in a guide about cleaner maritime transports. You will see what influences shipping to reduce emissions, including regulations, market demands and trends.
Contact our sales for more information