Biogas and natural gas offer a cleaner alternative for industry
Natural gas and biogas are reliable alternatives for industry, significantly reducing local air pollution and carbon emissions compared to oil products or coal. Biogas is the only biofuel suitable for direct process use in industry. As a Nordic expert in the gas industry, we offer wide-ranging solutions for gas users.
The properties of natural gas and biogas are best used in various industrial processes. Since the gas burns cleanly, it can be utilized in heating, drying or manufacturing products. Gas is also used as a raw material, for example in the production of hydrogen. Gas is particularly suitable for use as a fuel for combined heat and steam production as well as in combined heat and power (CHP) production.
Natural gas and biogas can be mixed or exchanged without any additional investments.

Essity can reach zero fossil carbon dioxide emissions thanks to liquefied biogas
Hygiene and health company Essity’s tissue production facility in Lilla Edet, Sweden has decided to take a further step towards a carbon-neutral future. Gasum will help to build the bridge between liquefied natural gas and biogas that makes the ambition possible.
Renewable biogas is a sustainable way to reduce emissions
Biogas is the only biofuel suitable for direct process use in industry. Processed biogas does not differ from natural gas in its operating characteristics, so it can be used without additional investments in all sites that use natural gas.
We produce biogas at our biogas plants in Finland, Sweden and Denmark, and procure it from our Nordic and European partners.
Thanks to our nationwide network of biogas plants, we can serve your company comprehensively and in recycling, energy and logistics solutions. Read more about our recycling and waste services.
LNG brings the benefits of gas all over the Nordic countries
LNG is a clear, colorless, non-toxic liquid that forms when natural gas is cooled to -162 °C. This shrinks the gas, making it easier to store the gas and enabling its transport to destinations outside the gas network.
LNG is suitable for industrial use just like natural gas and it can also be used together with renewable and low-emission liquefied biogas, or LBG.
As the largest distributor of LNG in the Nordic countries, we have the expertise and means to take care of the entire LNG supply chain.
We offer the best gas market solutions and services for our customers
- Different products according to needs, from total service to sales of gas energy
- FuelFlex services: Switching between energy sources based on cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency
- Online ordering service and view of own gas consumption
- A personal customer representative
- Clear pricing and opportunities to utilize different price indices and price protection
- Our extensive expertise in the gas and energy sector
Get in touch with us to explore the benefits of natural gas and biogas for your industry