Finnish Gas market opening – TSO's infosession 30th September 2019 video recordings are published

TSO's infosession 30th September 2019 Finnish Gas market opening video recordings has been published. The infosession about Finnish gas market opening was held on Monday 30th September 2019.

1. New TSO Gasgrid Finland's operation starting 1st of Jan, 2020
Olli Sipilä, Finnish Gas Transmission Services

2. Registration as a Market Participant
Ville Rahkonen, Gasum TSO 

3. Implementation and launch of data exchange and IT systems
Tiina Niinimäki, Gasum TSO

4. Contracting of balancing services 
Leena Sivill, Gasum TSO (Hansen Technologies Finland)     

5. Estonia–Latvia balancing zone development
Jānis Eisaks, Conexus Baltic Grid

6. Preparation of legislation
Arto Rajala, TEM

7. Approval process of the retail market terms and conditions
Kimmo Siira, Finnish Energy and Meri-Katriina Pyhäranta, Energy Authority

8. GET Baltic gas exchange in Finland
Gintaras Buzkys, GET Baltic

9. Taxation in the open gas market (in Finnish)
Antti Saastamoinen, Verohallinto / Tax Administration     


More information:

Ville Rahkonen, Development Manager, Gasum TSO
t. 040 719 9831,