Small plants

Sustainability management

At Gasum, we look at sustainability holistically through environmental, social and economic lenses.

This means enabling emission reductions for our customers, reducing the environmental impacts of our own operations, promoting a safe work environment and ensuring responsible business practices.

Management systems

We comply with internationally recognized standards’ requirements.

We aim at operational excellence. Certified management systems support our continuous improvement process and provide a common HSEQ system baseline.

Our integrated management system (IMS) covers quality, environment, energy and occupational health and safety management systems, which are certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2018, and ISO 45001:2018. In addition, we have implemented certified biomethane sustainability schemes as an integrated entity. The IMS is applied to the Gasum Group companies and operations as well as products and services sold by the Group.

The management systems consists of systematic approaches that translate decisions made by the senior management into practical operations. We have established the IMS to document, implement, maintain, and continuously improve our business with regard to the quality, safety, security, sustainability, energy and environmental objectives, and to ensure safety, occupational health and quality in our daily operations. The IMS helps us improve our customer focus, agile way of working, and achieve operational excellence.  

Gasum's certificates

Corporate sustainability program

We have formulated Gasum’s Sustainability program to guide our sustainability work. The program applies to the company in all operating countries. The program addresses the most material social, environmental, and economic aspects of Gasum’s responsibility: safety and security, climate, circular economy, access to cleaner energy, people, and responsible business.

We track our achievements, and report on performance in our annual sustainability report.

Sustainability program themes

Safety and security

Our target is zero harm to people and to the environment.

Climate change

We enable climate change mitigation through renewable energy, low-carbon products and energy efficiency.

Access to energy

We develop a smart, efficient and sustainable energy ecosystem and fulfill customer needs on land and at sea.


We develop employee wellbeing, competence and leadership.

Circular economy

We increase availability of biogas and develop market for recycled nutrients.

Responsible business

We maintain good business ethics, compliance and responsible business partnerships.


Gasum is committed to several international agreements. We support the principles stated in the international frameworks concerning human and labor rights, i.e. the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the ILO Core Conventions on Labour Standards.
We promote the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

We are a signatory of the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

We support the UN sustainable development goals

Gasum as a provider of cleaner energy supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda.

The SDGs are global goals adopted by the UN in 2015 as a universal call to action to solve by 2030 the urgent economic, social, and environmental challenges facing our world. Gasum has identified six priority SDGs towards which we can contribute the most in our operations.

We offer and develop low-carbon and renewable energy products and energy market services for our customers. Our investment outlook improves the availability of renewable energy. We increase access to cleaner fuels in the Nordics, above all in the maritime and heavy-duty road transport segments

We respect human rights and promote the well-being, work ability and competence of our personnel. We have a strong safety culture and aim at zero harm for our employees and contractors.

We develop infrastructure for cleaner energy. We advance innovations, build partnerships, and participate in the activities of various research and development networks in circular economy, cleaner energy, decarbonization and resource-efficiency.

We continue to invest in the construction of the Nordic gas filling station network. Increased availability and usage of cleaner fuels has a positive impact on local air quality in urban areas. Compared to conventional traffic fuels, combustion of gas produces negligible amounts of sulfur and particulate emissions, significantly lower levels of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which is a precursor of smog.

We offer circular economy solutions and treat a substantial share of society’s biodegradable waste and residues as part of making biogas available. We participate in activities promoting the further development of technologies, feedstocks and partnerships in this field.

With our low-carbon and renewable products and services, we help our customers to reduce their carbon footprint as well as that of their customers. We minimize the climate impact of our own operations by continuous energy-saving actions and by using 100% renewable electricity in all our operations.