Gasum Corporate Responsibility Report highlights circular economy and safety work in 2018
The highlights of Gasum’s year of responsibility in 2018 included improving accessibility of low-carbon fuels in the Nordics, implementing remarkable circular economy collaborations with partners and taking a major leap in developing the safety culture.
Gasum reports its key responsibility events and performance annually in its Corporate Responsibility Report. Report for year 2018 was recently published and available in English at > Publications.
Enabling emission cuts
Gas plays an increasingly important role in efforts to cut carbon dioxide emissions as well as local emis-sions in the road and maritime transport sectors. In 2018, Gasum continued to develop the low-emission road fuel market in the Nordic countries. Strong growth in the number of gas-fuelled vehicles was seen during the year in Finland. Gasum committed to opening 50 new gas filling stations for heavy-duty vehicles in the Nordics by the beginning of the 2020s.
At the same time, access to liquefied natural gas (LNG) at sea was increased through efficient bunkering operations and a further increase in bunkering operations is foreseen.
In addition to offering low-carbon solutions for road and maritime transport, industry and energy produc-tion, Gasum enables climate change mitigation through efficient operations. In 2018, the company switched to renewable electricity in all operations and reached its annual energy savings targets.
New partnerships and circular economy innovations
Gasum’s network of biogas plants is a model example of circular economy implementation. In 2018, the plants processed a broad biodegradable feedstock base totalling 744,000 tonnes in renewable fuel produc-tion and development of recycled nutrient products.
Gasum entered into several partnerships during 2018. In these, unique business models are based on clos-ing the loop. At the core of these partnerships, biogas is produced from the partner’s own waste. A remark-able project was implemented at the Turku biogas plant, aiming at increased biomass processing capacity and access to biogas as well as launching new recycled nutrient products.
Active safety culture in 2018
Gasum’s safety culture is undergoing strong development. A record number of registered safety observa-tions, risk assessments and safety walks in 2018 demonstrated a significant improvement in proactivity in preventive safety work. The rate of injuries decreased in 2018 and is now at its lowest in ten years.
Gasum continued to develop personnel wellbeing, competence and leadership. The workplace community survey indicated a positive trend in employee satisfaction. The updated leadership principles form a strong platform for the renewal of Gasum’s Nordic company culture.
Implementing strategy
Gasum continued to implement its strategy to develop the Nordic gas market. In 2018, Gasum’s investment focus was on fixed assets and business acquisitions. Gasum made an acquisition of the Enegia energy mar-ket services business, which enables service expansion in the energy wholesale market and creates a plat-form for expanded product offering to customers. In addition, Gasum increased its shareholding in Skangas to 100%. Gasum also made preparations for the opening up of the Finnish gas market effective from the beginning of 2020.
Stakeholder dialogue and revision of responsibility program
In 2018, Gasum conducted an extensive survey to find out stakeholders’ views on Gasum’s responsibility. Nearly 1,100 representatives of various stakeholder groups took part in the dialogue. The most important responsibility themes included safety and security, curbing climate change, promoting the circular economy, supply certainty of and access to gas, and responsible business. Based on the results, Gasum conducted a revision of the corporate responsibility program and adopted a new program and related objectives at the beginning of 2019. Gasum supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Please read the Gasum Corporate Responsibility report in 2018 >
More information:
Elina Saarivuori, Sustainability Manager, Gasum
Tel. +358 50 911 2668, elina.saarivuori(a)
Anna-Sofia Malmi, Communications Manager, Gasum
Tel. +358 50 4690 114, anna-sofia.malmi(a)